# /Now
The idea of a /now page intrigues me. So we're going to try it. Find our more about /now pages at [NowNowNow.com](https://nownownow.com/about)
## My focus for this year
As we enter into 2025, I have a lot of ideas. At this precise moment, I'm iterating on the site. I love to change things in order to find the thing that will work for me, and this site is shifting a lot to accomplish that. I'm working on defining templates and plans for writing publishable articles alongside keeping my public notes available for anyone to locate and review.
## My current job
Title: **Senior Engineer** <br>
Company: **[Enable Ministry Partners](https://enableministry.com)**
### What do I do every day?
At Enable a Senior Engineer plays a couple of roles. One is to be the final escalation point for issues that others haven't been able to solve. The other is to serve as a Solutions Architect. We also spend a lot of time working with individuals from our Service Desk, Field team, and NOC to pour into them and encourage them to be stronger technically. <br>